Notice & Takedown

We take any abuse of NewsGrabber Usenet Access service very seriously and all our subscribers are required to use our service for lawful purposes only and are strictly prohibited from using the service to commit illegal acts as outlined in the terms of service and acceptable use policy. Copyright holders that wish to request the removal of any allegedly infringing content or material found to be accessible through the NewsGrabber Usenet Access service, should submit a “Takedown Notice” ensuring the following information is included: Contact details of copyright holder and authorised person serving notice. Sufficient information to locate and identify allegedly infringing material (Message-IDs). Statement of submission to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Dutch courts, for purposes of this matter. Signed declaration of good faith on pain of perjury, you are the right holder or are authorised to act for right holder, all information contained in the takedown notice is accurate, genuine and that the allegedly infringing material is not otherwise authorised by the copyright holder, their agent, nor by law.

All reports of abuse or Notice & Takedown notices should be sent to abuse [@]

NewsGrabber abuse team will make an assessment of the validity of the information provided and on receipt of a valid claim will take expeditious and appropriate action to remove any copyright infringing/illegal material from our service.