
NewsGrabber Usenet Provider ™ of 2XR InterActive Media LTD located in Dubai, United Arabic Emirates.

NewsGrabber has compiled the information on this website with utmost care. Because NewsGrabber is always working to further develop products and services such as data rates, speeds, retention, completeness, technical specifications, etc. All information on this site is therefore subject to change without notice and the subscriber can in no way derive rights from the information on the website.

All (copy) rights to the content of this website, such as texts, images, software, or information in any other form, belong to NewsGrabber. Acquisition of information, text or illustrations are allowed. For commercial use, the source must be added.

NewsGrabber information by e-mail is intended solely for the addressee it was sent to. Use of this information by anyone other than the addressee is prohibited. Disclose in a modified form, reproduce, distribute and / or providing this information to third parties is not permitted unless explicit consent has been given for this by NewsGrabber and no rights can be derived.